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❔ Don't know your tire size? Click here to find it.
Finding your Tire Size for Tire Chain Applications
If you are in need of tire chains, but unsure of your vehicle's tire size the best place to find this information is on the tire itself. Do not rely on websites or even your vehicle's owner's manual to determine your tire size. Modern vehicles offer many tire and wheel options so it is always best to check the tire itself for your exact tire size.
See the picture below for help on finding your tire size on your tire's sidewall.
Most tire sizes are made up of three numbers. The first number is the tire "width" followed by a "/"; second, is the "aspect ratio" followed by a "R"; then finally the rim size. Most tire sizes will look like this: 215/70R16 or P215/70R16. The "R" in the size denotes a radial tire and the "P" indicates a passenger tire. These designations (R and P) are not used in our sizing guide. This tire size will appear as 215/70-16 in our tire size list.
Light truck tires starting with an "LT" (ie: LT235/85R16) will be listed as LT235/85-16.
If you are in need of tire chains, but unsure of your vehicle's tire size the best place to find this information is on the tire itself. Do not rely on websites or even your vehicle's owner's manual to determine your tire size. Modern vehicles offer many tire and wheel options so it is always best to check the tire itself for your exact tire size.
See the picture below for help on finding your tire size on your tire's sidewall.

Most tire sizes are made up of three numbers. The first number is the tire "width" followed by a "/"; second, is the "aspect ratio" followed by a "R"; then finally the rim size. Most tire sizes will look like this: 215/70R16 or P215/70R16. The "R" in the size denotes a radial tire and the "P" indicates a passenger tire. These designations (R and P) are not used in our sizing guide. This tire size will appear as 215/70-16 in our tire size list.
Light truck tires starting with an "LT" (ie: LT235/85R16) will be listed as LT235/85-16.
SCC Cable Chains
Best - Why are these chains "Best"?

SCC Super Z
Better - Why are these chains "Better"?

SCC Super Z Passenger
SZ311 | SZ315 | SZ319 | SZ323 |
SZ327 | SZ329 | SZ331 | SZ335 |
SZ339 | SZ343 | SV501 | SV502 |
SV503 | SV504 | SV505 | SV506 |
SV507 | SV508 | SV509 | SV510 |

SCC Super Z-6
SZ115 | SZ119 | SZ123 | SZ127 |
SZ129 | SZ131 | SZ133 | SZ134 |
SZ135 | SZ137 | SZ139 | SZ143 |
SZ429 | SZ435 | SZ441 | SZ447 |
SZ451 | SV101 | SV102 | SV103 |
SV104 | SV105 | SV106 | SV107 |
SV108 | SV109 | SV110 | SV111 |
SV112 | SV113 | SV114 | SV115 |
SV116 | SV117 |
Good - Why are these chains "Good"?
SCC Fabric Chains
Good - Why are these chains "Good"?
SCC Link Chains
Better - Why are these chains "Better"?

SCC Peerless Auto Trac
0152005 | 0152505 | 0153005 | 0153505 |
0154005 | 0154505 | 0154705 | 0155005 |
0155305 | 0155505 | 0231705 | 0231805 |
0231905 | 0232105 | 0232405 | 0232605 |
0232805 |

SCC Whitestar Alloy
WS1604 | WS1605 | WS1606 | WS1608 |
WS1610 | WS1612 | WS1614 | WS1705 |
WS1707 | SV301 | SV302 | SV303 |
SV304 | SV305 | SV306 | SV307 |
SV308 | SV309 |
Good - Why are these chains "Good"?

SCC Quik Grip IND - 2 Link Spacing
QG0250 | QG0253 | QG0256 | QG0259 |
QG0262 | QG0266 | QG0269 | QG0271 |
QG0274 | QG0277 | QG0281 | QG0290 |
QG0202 | QG0205 | QG0209 | QG0211 |
QG0219 | QG0223 | QG0226 | QG0230 |
QG0233 | QG0236 |

SCC Max-Trac - 2 Link Spacing
1060356 | 1060456 | 1060856 | 1061056 |
1061256 | 1061556 | 1061756 | 1061856 |
1062056 | 1062156 | 1062256 | 1062656 |
1062756 | 1062856 | 1062956 | 1063056 |
1063156 | 1063456 | 1063856 | 1063956 |

SCC Quik Grip IND - 4 Link Spacing
QG0450 | QG0453 | QG0456 | QG0459 |
QG0462 | QG0466 | QG0471 | QG0474 |
QG0477 | QG0481 | QG3503 | QG3505 |
QG3507 | QG3520 | QG3530 | QG3540 |
Konig Link Chains
Superior - Why are these chains "Superior"?

Konig K-Summit
K11 | K12 | K22 | K23 |
K33 | K34 | K44 | K45 |
K55 | K56 | K66 | K67 |
K77 | K78 | K79 | T102 |
T104 | T106 | T108 | T110 |
T112 | T114 | T116 | T118 |
T120 | T122 | T124 | T126 |
T127 | T128 |

Konig Easy Fit CU-9
050 | 060 | 065 | 070 |
075 | 080 | 085 | 090 |
095 | 097 | 100 | 102 |
103 | 104 | T402 | T403 |
T404 | T405 | T406 | T407 |
T408 | T409 | T410 | T411 |
T412 | T413 | T414 | T415 |
Best - Why are these chains "Best"?

Konig CS-9
050 | 060 | 065 | 070 |
080 | 090 | 095 | 097 |
100 | 102 | 103 | 104 |
T201 | T202 | T203 | T204 |
T206 | T208 | T209 | T210 |
T211 | T212 | T213 | T214 |

Konig XG-12 Pro
225 | 227 | 230 | 235 |
240 | 245 | 247 | 250 |
255 | 265 | 266 | 267 |
274 | 279 | T502 | T503 |
T504 | T505 | T506 | T507 |
T508 | T509 | T510 | T511 |
T513 | T512 | T514 | T515 |
Better - Why are these chains "Better"?
Thule Link Chains
Superior - Why are these chains "Superior"?

Thule K-Summit
K11 | K12 | K22 | K23 |
K33 | K34 | K44 | K45 |
K55 | K56 | K66 | K67 |
K77 | T102 | T104 | T106 |
T108 | T110 | T112 | T114 |
T116 | T118 | T120 | T122 |
T124 | T126 |

Thule Easy Fit CU-9
050 | 060 | 065 | 070 |
075 | 080 | 085 | 090 |
095 | 097 | 100 | 102 |
103 | 104 | T402 | T403 |
T404 | T405 | T406 | T407 |
T408 | T409 | T410 | T411 |
T412 | T413 | T414 | T415 |
Best - Why are these chains "Best"?

Thule CS-10
050 | 060 | 065 | 070 |
075 | 080 | 085 | 090 |
095 | 097 | 100 | 102 |
103 | 104 | 105 | T201 |
T202 | T203 | T204 | T205 |
T206 | T207 | T208 | T209 |
T210 | T211 | T212 | T213 |
T214 | T215 |
Better - Why are these chains "Better"?
ICC Link Chains
Good - Why are these chains "Good"?